Wednesday, September 22, 2010


“Man is the wisest of all animals by the virtue of his extraordinary power of thinking and emoting.”
Except knowledge all other animals have the same basic necessities. Knowledge and education is what makes man so vast.
In other words, man’s basic necessities are four in no.
Education, both formal and informal accounts for all his endeavors. As the modern world is completely propelled by knowledge acquired by all means, education to all has now become the focus of attention all over the world.
 In competitive world now we not only need basic education but also high tech education system with more practical work required.
An improper education system has led to crimes being committed. Now a days, we can see people who are educated are heading towards the easy way of making money, i.e. cheating, killing, kidnapping etc. this is because of their improper education. These people have only learn t the theoretical aspect of education but have failed to learn the moral aspect of it. 
Let me give you an interesting statistic, Whole America has only 65,000 engineers who are American nationals, but Bangalore alone has 75,000 engineers which means India has clearly beaten America which is known to be the no.1 country in the world by some high margin.
This means India has been producing more and more engineers but has been failing in producing the no. of skilled workers in other professions. This is the actual cause of the unemployment % in India which is increasing drastically day by day.
According to a recent study, a developed country has 50% of skilled labors but, in a developing country like India the %age of skilled labors is only 5. Therefore there is a need for people to migrate to this section and making a proper usage of their education.
To my view, proper education is not only learning something which is there in the syllabus and scoring 90% in the exam but proper education is a teaching where one must be a capable in leading his life with all basic manners and the moral values, which come to one’s help in the later stage of his life.
The present generation thinks that education is the means of getting good jobs and earning more money and leading luxurious life and that is really not the way of using education in one’s life.
To my knowledge, the real meaning of getting educated is the enlightenment of oneself and his society in the theoretical & practical aspect of the life, thereby the country. For a country like India to become a supernatural power there is a desperate need of people to be morally educated.

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